Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Serial Skirt Chaser: Bollywood stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Ranbir Kapoor were the subject of contentious remarks made by Kangana Ranaut, who is well-known for being fearless and verbally expressive. A lot of buzz was created in the industry when Kangana boldly expressed her opinions during an interview on Aap Ki Adalat. Ayushmann was called a “sycophant outsider”(chaploos outsider) and Ranbir a “serial skirt chaser.” Although Kangana’s comments caused controversy, she seems cool by the reaction and continues to stand her own.

The Background of the Controversy

Issues surrounding Kangana Ranaut are nothing new. She has expressed her concerns about issues such as nepotism and favoritism in Bollywood throughout time. She went after Ranbir Kapoor and Ayushmann Khurrana, two well-known stars, this time.

You talk about Ranbir like he’s Swami Vivekananda, Kangana ironically remarked in *Aap Ki Adalat*. She claimed that whereas outsiders like her are subjected to harsher criticism, Star Kids’ shortcomings are frequently overlooked.

On Twitter, Kangana referred to Ranbir as a “serial skirt chaser,” highlighting how people tend to ignore his romantic actions. While small-town actresses receive unfair criticism, she also brought up Deepika Padukone, claiming that the industry is discriminatory in favor of insiders.

Kangana and Ranbir Kapoor’s Relationship

For many years, there has been animosity between Kangana and Ranbir Kapoor. Ranbir, who comes from a well-known film family, has been one of Kangana’s primary targets when she speaks out against Bollywood celebrity kids. She thinks star children like Ranbir have advantages.

When Kangana referred to Ranbir as a “serial skirt chaser,” she was alluding to the fact that actors from wealthy backgrounds often avoid criticism on par with others. She criticized how parents support star kids while ignoring their shortcomings in the interview, saying sarcastically, “You talk about him like he’s Swami Vivekananda.” Her remarks emphasized the unequal treatment that Bollywood insiders and outsiders receive.

Kangana’s statements on Ayushmann Khurrana

Kangana’s compliments on Ayushmann Khurrana were also offensive. She criticized him as a “sycophant outsider” because he was flattering others to get a chance and popular in the film industry. Kangana stated that when Ayushmann was not popular in the industry, he praised her as a role model. But after getting success, he changed and started criticizing her.

Kangana has also disclosed how tough it is for an outsider to succeed in the film industry. As Ayushmann is an outsider, she realizes some outsiders, like him, join powerful groups in Bollywood to build their careers. She believes this shows the nepotism and hypocrisy in the industry.

Kangana’s Dissatisfaction with the Industry

Kangana is not content with performers alone; she has issues with Bollywood as a whole. Recently, she stated in an interview that she “hates just being an actor.” Kangana revealed that she finds acting boring because of the long waiting periods on set. As she waits for scenes to be shot, she feels as if she is wasting her greatest years. Despite her many main parts, she is dissatisfied with the way the industry operates.

Kangana has become one of Bollywood’s most profound celebrities due to her strong beliefs. While some think her harshness is excessive, others respect her for speaking her mind.

Bollywood’s Dual Standards

Kangana expresses her concerns about unequal treatment in Bollywood with her remarks against Ayushmann Khurrana and Ranbir Kapoor. She believes that while outsiders are treated more harshly, star kids receive special consideration. She has discussed this subject on multiple occasions.

In referring to Ranbir as a “serial skirt chaser,” she intended to highlight how his behavior is frequently ignored, although outsiders would face criticism for the same behavior. 

She also brought up Deepika Padukone’s transparency regarding her mental health issues, emphasizing that outsiders experience harsh reactions from the public and media whereas star kids receive more compassion.

Kangana’s Political Career and Future

Kangana’s voice has been intensified much more since she switched from acting to politics. Kangana has been using her position as a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Parliament (MP) to discuss topics outside of the entertainment business.

She was rather explicit in the interview about her lack of feelings for Bollywood. She appears to be looking for new ways to focus her influence and energy, as seen by her entry into politics. It’s possible that Kangana’s career will focus more on activism and politics in the future, where she can continue to support causes close to her heart.


Kangana Ranaut’s explanation of her remarks about Ayushmann Khurrana and Ranbir Kapoor is just another illustration of her unafraid style of speaking her views. Irrespective of your opinion towards her, Kangana is not hesitant to question the current state of affairs. Conversations are still sparked by her criticism of the Bollywood industry’s double standards, treatment of outsiders, and other issues.

Resilience is demonstrated by Kangana’s path from being an outcast to becoming a strong voice in Bollywood and politics. Even while her comments could be divisive, they highlight more significant problems in the entertainment sector and make us consider how privilege, power, and talent are handled in Bollywood.

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What did Kangana say about Ranbir Kapoor?

Kangana Ranaut called Ranbir Kapoor a “serial skirt chaser,” implying that the public and media frequently ignore his amorous exploits. She maintained that although famous children like Ranbir have these advantages, outsiders face harsher criticism for comparable actions. With this comment, Kangana called attention to what she sees as unfair discrimination in the industry.

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