
VK Pandian, Naveen Patnaik’s Trusted Aide, Bows Out of Politics

Close adviser to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, VK Pandian, has unexpectedly announced his retirement from active politics on Sunday which has caused a stir in Odisha’s political atmosphere. An era is ending with Pandian’s resignation, which begs various concerns regarding the dynamics of Odisha’s political scene going forward. Pandian is well-known for his substantial influence and quiet involvement in the state’s governance. The video announcing VK Pandian’s retirement went viral and was met with a mixture of shock and suspicion.

VK Pandian Announcement on Sunday

Shortly after the BJD suffered a crushing defeat in the Odisha Assembly and Lok Sabha elections, VK Pandian, a close assistant to BJD leader Naveen Patnaik and a former IAS official, declared his retirement from active politics.

VK Pandian resigned from the civil service in November of last year to become a BJD member. He disclosed in a video message that he was raised in a remote village by impoverished parents. He stated that joining the IAS and helping the public had been his dream since he was a little boy. He added, “From the day I set foot on Odisha’s soil, I have received immense love and affection from the people of Odisha.” He said he has made a great effort to serve the people of the state.

Mr. Pandian said he considered it an honor to serve Naveen Patnaik, who, should the BJD retake power, would become the nation’s longest-serving chief minister. “The lessons and experience I have gained are invaluable,” he declared. His grace, integrity, leadership, and, most importantly, his passion for the Odisha people have always been an inspiration to me. VK Pandian looked to me to carry out his plans for Odisha, and together we have accomplished a great deal in the areas of infrastructure, women’s empowerment, investment, health, education, and eradicating poverty in addition to ports and temple and heritage projects.”

Mr. Pandian said that in order to support his mentor, Naveen Patnaik, he left the IAS and joined the BJD. “My only intention was to support him, in the same way that anyone would support their family and mentor. I would like to make some perspectives and storylines clear. Maybe my weakness was not being able to successfully refute some of these political narratives. I would again say that my goal in entering politics was to support Naveen Patnaik, my mentor, and that I had no desire for any specific political role or level of authority. As such, I was not a candidate for the Biju Janata Dal nor did I occupy any office there,” he declared.

The impression of VK Pandian as a “outsider,” in spite of his considerable influence in the BJD and the state’s administrative apparatus, was a major contributing factor to the BJD’s dismal showing in this election. The BJD’s defeats in the Assembly and Lok Sabha elections were largely due to this image, which was further stoked by the BJP’s campaign. In sharp contrast to the 12 seats the BJD won in 2019, the party did not win a single seat in this general election. The BJP was able to gain power in the Assembly elections as a result of its seat count decreasing from 112 in 2019 to 51 this time. There were also speculations that VK Pandian was emerging as Mr. Patnaik’s political successor, but the senior leader dismissed this notion.

According to Mr. Pandian, he dedicated 12 years of intense effort to Odisha and Naveen Patnaik. I inherited my grandparents’ property, which is all I own. Nothing else in the world is owned by my immediate family or me. Love, affection, and goodwill from the people of Odisha have been the biggest blessings of my life. It was my only goal when I entered politics to support Naveen Babu, and I have made a conscious decision to keep a distance from politics. If I’ve harmed anyone on this path, I sincerely apologize.

If my campaign was the reason behind BJD’s loss, then I regret it. To all the employees and the Biju family as a whole, I sincerely apologize. The millions of Biju family members I am connected to, I genuinely thank you,” he stated.

In closing, VK Pandian added that he will never stop praying for Odisha’s development and “my mentor, Naveen Patnaik.”

Prior to the election results, Mr. Patnaik stood up for VK Pandian against the criticism that surfaced. The seasoned lawmaker said, “Mr. Pandian has received some backlash. It is regrettable. Rumors that Mr. Pandian may succeed him were also denied by Mr. Patnaik. He declared, “Mr. Pandian became a member of the party, but he was not assigned a job. I have always made it plain that Mr. Pandian is not my successor whenever I have been questioned about it. Again, let me say this. The election of my successor will be decided by the people of Odisha.”

Reactions from Political Circles

Different responses from political circles have been generated by VK Pandian’s retirement. In recognizing his critical role in the party’s and the state’s triumphs, BJD members have expressed their respect and admiration for his contribution. Though they have acknowledged his great influence, opposition leaders have also brought up the scandals and complaints that dogged his tenure, especially those that dealt with his alleged abuse of power and centralization of authority.

The Future of Odisha Politics

There are a number of concerns regarding the political climate in Odisha going forward with Pandian’s resignation. Among the urgent issues are the following:

Video source:https://www.youtube.com/@indianexpress


The retirement of VK Pandian signifies a dramatic change in Odisha politics. With his departure, the state’s government closes a noteworthy chapter and ushers in a new era of leadership dynamics and difficulties. Pandian’s achievements will continue to be felt as Odisha develops, and his legacy will surely influence the political and developmental course of the state in the future. In the months to come, it will be clear how the BJD and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik handle this development and carry on with their governance efforts in the absence of one of its most powerful leaders.

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